Elon Musk, to bid farewell to the Twitter logo

Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, has stated his desire to substitute the Twitter bird logo with a "X." However, Mr. Musk has a history of making statements that do not come to pass or are not taken seriously.

Mr. Musk, who renamed the company X Corp, stated that the change "should have been made a long time ago."

According to sources, the billionaire intends to develop a "super app" dubbed "X" that is comparable to WeChat.

He posted on Sunday on social media that he planned to alter Twitter's logo, stating, "Soon we will say goodbye to the Twitter brand and all the birds." Then he stated that a temporary logo would go live later that day.

Mr. Musk posted an image of a flashing "X" on Twitter and later responded "Yes" in an audio conversation on Twitter Spaces when questioned if the Twitter logo would change. The chief executive officer of the company, Linda Yaccarino, stated on the platform that the rebranding represented a thrilling new opportunity.

She stated that Twitter had a profound impact on the way we communicate and that now the X will go further, changing the global town square.

In recent years, super-apps such as India's PayTM and Indonesia's GoJek have become indispensable to the daily lives of some Asians. The applications enable users to pay for services via a financial system.

WeChat is a messaging and social media platform that has become one of the largest applications in the region in terms of its service offerings and user base. China alone was anticipated to have 1.29 billion users in 2017.

Following Mr. Musk's acquisition of Twitter in October 2022, the corporation has transitioned to operating under the name X Corp.

According to the website for Twitter, the company's emblem, which features a blue bird, is "our most recognizable asset." It went on to say, "That's why we're so protective of it," which explains their stance.

The company made the temporary change to the logo in April, replacing it with the Shiba Inu dog associated with Dogecoin, which contributed to a rise in the market value of the meme coin.

Later on, Mr. Musk was accused of engaging in insider trading by a group of investors in Dogecoin. These investors alleged that Mr. Musk had gained from driving up the value of Dogecoin.

When Mr. Musk stated earlier this month that there would be a restriction on how many tweets per day various account holders can see, the firm came under fire from users and marketers.

The daily limits contributed to the expansion of Threads, a competing service owned by Meta that received more than 100 million sign-ups in the first five days after it was made available to the public.

The most recent difficulty for Twitter was the filing of a lawsuit on Tuesday, which claimed that the company owes at least $500 million (or £388.7 million) in severance pay to former employees.

Since Mr. Musk purchased the business, more than half of the previous owners' employees have been let go.