Chrome initiates the blocking of data-tracking cookies

Attempts have been made by Google to modify the manner in which businesses are able to monitor people on the internet.

Third-party cookies are little files that are stored on your device to collect analytical data, customise online advertisements, and monitor browsing. A new feature in the Chrome browser makes it possible to disable these cookies.

Initially, it will be accessible to one percent of consumers worldwide, which is approximately thirty million people.

These modifications are being described by Google as a test, and the company intends to do a full rollout of cookies later on in this year. Advertisers, on the other hand, claim that they will suffer as a consequence of this.

Chrome, developed by Google, is currently the most widely used web browser in the world.

There are currently tools available to block cookies from third-party websites in competitors like Mozilla Firefox and Apple's Safari, which are responsible for a significantly lower amount of internet traffic.

Google has stated that customers who are selected at random would be questioned about their want to "browse with more privacy."

The vice president of Google, Anthony Chavez, stated in a blog post that the company is "taking a prudent approach to phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome." He mentioned that in the event that Chrome detects that one is experiencing difficulties and a website does not function properly without the use of third-party cookies, it will provide the person with the option to temporarily re-enable third-party cookies for that particular website.

Google has stated that it is active in the process of making the internet more secure. However, from the perspective of a great number of websites, cookies are an essential component of the process of selling the advertising products that they rely on.

Some people may experience that advertising as being obtrusive. There are a lot of people who will have the experience of going to a website or making a purchase, and then having advertisements that are related to that event appear on all of the websites that they visit.

Cookies can be used to record a variety of data on users, including the following types of information:

What you do on the website, where you are in the world, what device you are using, and where you go online subsequently should all be taken into consideration.

Phil Duffield, UK vice president at The Trade Desk, which offers a marketplace for businesses to buy advertisements online, stated that "Google's solution, the Chrome Privacy Sandbox, which only works on a Chrome browser, likely does not assist anyone other than Google." The Chrome Privacy Sandbox is only compatible with the Chrome browser.

It is not necessary to make it more difficult for publishers to generate revenue in order to protect the privacy of consumers who use the internet. In addition, he stated that "the advertising business is on a communal mission to produce something better."

The Competition and Markets Authority, which is the competition watchdog in the United Kingdom, has the authority to halt the plans if it determines that they will be detrimental to other companies.