Certain vegetable shortages have been attributed to Britain's "weird supermarket culture," according to the government's food czar.

Henry Dimbleby stated that due to "fixed-price contracts" between supermarkets and suppliers, when food is scarce, certain producers sell less to the United Kingdom and more to other European countries. However, the organization that represents supermarkets denied that such contracts hindered business. 

In recent weeks, several supermarkets have restricted sales of fresh produce. Tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers are among the vegetables in short supply, primarily as a result of extreme weather conditions that have negatively impacted harvests in Spain and North Africa.

It is believed that the impact of high energy prices on UK growers, as well as supply chain issues, has exacerbated shortages. They also come at a time when households are being impacted by rising food prices, which have reached a 45-year high.

As an example of "market failure," Mr. Dimbleby, an adviser to the English government on food policy, cited the fact that supermarket lettuce prices in the United Kingdom remained stable regardless of whether there was a shortage or an oversupply. This, according to him, prevented farmers from selling all of their surplus produce or receiving an incentive to cultivate more.

In Europe, the supermarkets raise prices due to shortage if there is bad weather but not in the United Kingdom. Therefore, suppliers will supply France, Germany, and Ukraine on the margin "He told the newspaper Guardian.

However, Andrew Opie, director of food and sustainability at the British Retail Consortium (BRC), which represents UK supermarkets, stated that retailers are "realists who understand they must pay more when costs are high and product is scarce." Mr. Opie stated that regulations governing supermarkets in many European nations required retailers to pass on additional costs to customers.

He mentioned that the UK retailers have been doing everything they can to protect consumers from rapidly rising prices, which includes cutting their margins and negotiating on their behalf to keep prices as low as possible. Mr. Opie also said importing tomatoes and lettuce from abroad during the winter allowed supermarkets to offer customers the best value for money.

Mr. Dimbleby, however, described the current state of affairs as "infuriating" as everyone is concerned about a vegetable shortage in February, while there are much larger structural issues."

President of the National Farmers' Union (NFU), Minette Batters, told sources that not all producers' contracts could be renegotiated to account for higher production costs.

The president of the NFU stated that the war in Ukraine had altered the outlook for food security, but that she had previously been told by ministers and officials that the food grown on their land was completely unimportant, as they are a wealthy nation and can afford to import it.

She stated that the nation had a massive capacity to be producing more of their own vegetables and fruit. 

The government stated that despite some problems with fresh vegetable supplies, the United Kingdom "has a strong and resilient food chain and is well-equipped to handle disruptions."