The UK government has decided to act against the gender bill in Scotland, which has gained significant controversy since being introduced. The gender bill, if passed, will allow anyone in Scotland to legally change their gender as desired. While clarifying the decision of the UK government, the UK ministers said that if this gender bill gets passed, it would create conflicts across the region because of already active equality protections in Great Britain. This marks the first time that Scottish legislation has been blocked due to the reason conflicting with the UK-wide legislation. However, this decision of the UK government to block Scottish legislation has sparked fire across the Scottish Parliament. The Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon expressed his anger as he vowed to oppose this decision of the UK government to block their decision and question the existence of the Scottish Parliament. Nicola Sturgeon said that this is a complete frontal attack on the Scottish Parliament. She further made it clear that the Scottish ministers will be defending the bill against the UK government through a veto. If the Scottish government manages to win this defense, this will be the first successful veto for the country. According to the reports, the Scottish government is still waiting for more details from the UK government regarding their decision to block the gender bill. After getting these details, the Scottish government will be challenging this decision through a judicial review. 

The United Kingdom is a region that comprises England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. While Great Britain is a region of the UK that does not include Northern Ireland. Scotland holds a minority in the UK parliament, thus it makes it harder for the Scottish government to pass any legislation in front of the UK parliament, which has the majority of Britain. Therefore, the Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Scottish ministers are aware of the fact that it will be significantly difficult to win judicial review against the UK government as Scotland holds a minor position in the UK parliament. The UK government made it clear on Monday that the Scottish secretary to the UK government, Alister Jack, will be taking the legal steps on Tuesday to confirm their decision against the gender bill. He wrote a letter to Nicola Sturgeon in which he conveyed to her the thoughts of the UK government. He said in a letter that the UK government believes that the gender bill will have a significant impact on already active equality legislation in the UK’s territory. Along with this, Alister Jack also talked about the possible impacts which the gender bill may have on legislation that allows people of the UK to run single-gender clubs, schools, and other organizations. The letter also contained concerns of the UK government regarding payment equality between men and women, which may change after passing the gender bill. Alister Jack further said that having different gender recognition schemes in the UK territory will only create more complications than solving problems. Despite all the reasoning for the UK’s side, Scottish officials have expressed their dislike towards this decision. Shona Robison, the Social Justice Secretary of Scotland, said that the decision is indeed outrageous.